Scientific Publications

Title Author Publisher Date Links
The FRB-searching pipeline of the Tianlai Cylinder Pathfinder Array Zijie Yu, Furen Deng, et al Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 07/2024 ADS arXiv
Design and Implementation of a Scalable Correlator Based on ROACH2+GPU Cluster for Tianlai 96-Dual-Polarization Antenna Array Zhao WANG, Jixia LI, et al Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 07/2024 ADS arXiv
Application of Regularization Methods in the Sky Map Reconstruction of the Tianlai Cylinder Pathfinder Array Kaifeng YU, Shifan ZUO, et al Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 12/2023 ADS arXiv
The Effects of the Local Environment on a Compact Radio Interferometer I: Cross-coupling in the Tianlai Dish Pathfinder Array Juhun Kwak, John Podczerwinski, et al Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation 11/2023 ADS arXiv
A simulation of calibration and map-making errors of the Tianlai cylinder pathfinder array Kaifeng YU, Fengquan WU, et al Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 08/2023 ADS arXiv
A Fast Transient Backend to Detect FRBs with the Tianlai Dish Pathfinder Array Zijie YU, Furen DENG, et al Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 10/2022 ADS arXiv
The Tianlai dish array low-z surveys forecasts Olivier Perdereau, Reza Ansari, et al Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 05/2022 ADS arXiv
The Electromagnetic Characteristics of the Tianlai Cylindrical Pathfinder Array Shijie SUN, Jixia LI, et al Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 04/2022 ADS arXiv
AlgoSCR: An algorithm for Solar Contamination Removal from radio interferometric data Anh Phan, Santanu Das, et al Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 05/2021 ADS arXiv
The Tianlai Dish Pathfinder Array: design, operation and performance of a prototype transit radio interferometer Fengquan WU, Jixia LI, et al Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 09/2021 ADS arXiv
Data processing pipeline for Tianlai experiment Shifan ZUO, Jixia LI, et al Astronomy and Computing 01/2021 ADS arXiv
The Tianlai Cylinder Pathfinder array: System functions and basic performance analysis Jixia LI, Fengquan WU, et al Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 09/2020 ADS arXiv
Beam Measurements of the Tianlai Dish Radio Telescope using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Juyong ZHANG, Jingxin LIU, et al IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 07/2020 ADS arXiv
Reflections and Standing Waves on the Tianlai Cylinder Array Jixia LI, Fengquan WU Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 07/2020 ADS arXiv
A Method to Detect Radio Frequency Interference Based on Convolutional Neural Networks Cong DAI, Shifan ZUO, et al Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVII 10/2019 ADS
The design and implementation of a ROACH2+GPU based correlator on the Tianlai dish array Chenhui NIU, Qunxiong WANG, et al Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 07/2019 ADS arXiv
An Eigenvector-Based Method of Radio Array Calibration and Its Application to the Tianlai Cylinder Pathfinder Shifan ZUO, Ueli PEN, et al The Astronomical Journal 01/2019 ADS arXiv
Progress in the construction and testing of the Tianlai radio interferometers Santanu Das, Christopher Anderson, et al Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX 07/2018 ADS arXiv
Simulation and Testing of a Linear Array of Modified Four-Square Feed Antennas for the Tianlai Cylindrical Radio Telescope Aleksander Cianciara, Christopher Anderson, et al Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation 06/2017 ADS arXiv
Blind search for 21-cm absorption systems using a new generation of Chinese radio telescopes Haoran YU, Ueli PEN, et al Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 05/2017 ADS arXiv
Sky reconstruction for the Tianlai cylinder array Jiao ZHANG, Shifan ZUO, et al Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 10/2016 ADS arXiv
Sky reconstruction from transit visibilities: PAON-4 and Tianlai dish array Jiao ZHANG, Reza Ansari, et al Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 09/2016 ADS arXiv
Design and analysis of a large cylinder antenna array in Tianlai Zhiping CHEN, Rongli WANG, et al Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes VI 07/2016 ADS
The Tianlai 21cm intensity mapping experiment Xuelei CHEN IAU General Assembly, Meeting 08/2015 ADS
Forecasts on the Dark Energy and Primordial Non-Gaussianity Observations with the Tianlai Cylinder Array Yidong XU; Xin WANG; Xuelei CHEN The Astrophysical Journal 01/2015 ADS arXiv
Design of a wideband feed for the Tianlai project proceedings of the XXXIst URSI general assembly and scientific symposium Tao LIU, Fengquan WU, et al 2014 XXXIth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS) 08/2014 IEEE
Site selection for the Tianlai experiment proceedings of the XXXIst URSI general assembly and scientific symposium Fengquan WU, Yougang WANG, et al 2014 XXXIth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS) 08/2014 IEEE
Simulations of 21-cm Intensity Mapping Observations of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations Stucky Thomas, Peter Timbie, et al American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting 01/2014 ADS
The Tianlai Project: a 21CM Cosmology Experiment Xuelei CHEN International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series 03/2012 ADS arXiv
Radio detection of dark energy − the Tianlai project Xuelei CHEN Scientia Sinica Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica 11/2011 ADS