Detection of FRB 20220912A at 750 MHz with the Tianlai Dish Pathfinder Array

Zijie Yu(NAOC), Furen Deng(NAOC), Chenhui Niu(NAOC, CCNU), Jixia Li(NAOC), Shijie Sun(NAOC), Weiyang Wang(PKU), Yougang Wang(NAOC), Fengquan Wu(NAOC), Xuelei Chen(NAOC,


We report the detection of a bright fast radio burst with the Tianlai Dish Pathfinder Array. We have been carrying out a follow-up observation targeting FRB 20220912A (CHIME/FRB collaboration ATel #15679) ~6h per day since Nov 01 with our 32 beam backend in the frequency range of 700-800 MHz. We pointed at the coordinates (RA 23h09m04.9s, DEC +48d42m25.4s) provided by DSA-110 (Atel #15716). The data stream is recorded with a sampling time of 196.608 microseconds for 1024 frequency channels. A bright burst was detected with a box-car S/N~34.7 for ~1.98(+-0.08) ms duration at UT 15:02:46.017, Nov 05 2022 (MJD 59888.960254824). A preliminary estimate of the burst's peak flux is 285(+-10) Jy and fluence is ~600(+-32) Jy ms which has been calibrated with Cas_A on the same day. The burst has a best estimate of dispersion measure DM = 219.8(+-0.4) pc/cc. The Tianlai Dish Pathfinder Array is a radio interferometer located in Xinjiang, China, and operated by the National Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC). (System overview paper: A Fast Transient Backend to Detect FRBs with the Tianlai Dish Pathfinder Array, Yu et al., arXiv:2210.03272) (Erratum to ATel #15758)


Dedispersed Waterfall

Raw Waterfall